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CCISDA Strategic Partner Case Study Presentation Registration

CCISDA Platinum Strategic Partner
Case Study Presentation Registration


Thank you again for being a CCISDA Platinum Strategic Partner! Your support is greatly appreciated. Our goal is to make your Platinum Partnership an investment rather than an expense.

One of the benefits of your Platinum Partnership is the opportunity to co-present a virtual one-hour (maximum) case study webinar to interested CCISDA members. In order to facilitate these webinars, we are asking interested CCISDA Platinum Strategic Partners to provide the information requested below so we can calendar your presentation and market it appropriately.

Following is information relative to these webinars as well as some “rules and regulations.”

Rule #1:  Your case study webinar MUST include, or be co-presented by, someone who is employed by government (federal, state, local, etc.) - preferably a CCISDA member. We have found that having a government IT person co-present with a vendor significantly enhances attendance.

Rule #2:  You should plan on your presentation lasting no more than an hour. The overall presentation can have additional time as needed for Q&A from those virtual attendees.

Information #1 – Registration:  All registrations for this webinar will be handled through CCISDA. Presenting Platinum Partners will be asked to provide company contact information which will be sent to all CCISDA members who registered for the webinar.

Information #2 – Online Library:  All webinars will be recorded and added to CCISDA’s online library for later viewing by those who were not able to attend virtually.

Information #3 – Moderator/Facilitator:  For each webinar, CCISDA will provide a moderator/facilitator who will introduce the presenters and do whatever is necessary for a smooth presentation. CCISDA will notify you who your moderator/facilitator will be prior to the webinar. Your moderator/facilitator may be a CCISDA member or staff member.

Information #4 – Scheduling:  This CCISDA Platinum Strategic Partner benefit is available to you anytime during the Strategic Partnership year (March 1 – February 28/29). As such, we will work with you as to when the webinar will take place so there is no rush to put your webinar together and we are confident those webinars that are attractive to CCISDA members will be successful. CCISDA will work with you to produce the webinar when you would like to hold it. The more lead time we have, the more time we have to market the webinar.

Information #5 – Case Study:  These webinars must be case studies. We envision the co-presenter outlining the challenge his or her agency faced and then all presenters addressing how the agency and Partner collaborated to resolve the challenge.

Information #6 – Platform:  CCISDA will be using Zoom to present these webinars. CCISDA will only be providing the platform. Presenters will be responsible for any other equipment and AV needs for the presentation.

Suggestion #1 – Number of Presenters:  Since these webinars are limited to about an hour, CCISDA suggests you limit your total number of presenters to no more than 3 or 4.

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Contact Us

California County Information Services Directors Association (CCISDA)
3620 American River Drive, Suite 230
 Sacramento, CA 95864
