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On June 7, 1957, 10 people representing nine California counties met in Riverside, California. At this initial meeting, they adopted a resolution forming the California Association of County Data Processors (CACDP). In 1999, the organization adopted, a new name — California County Information Services Directors Association (CCISDA).

Through 1961, the organization met in conjunction with the County Auditors and Tax Collectors Association at a combined annual meeting. At CCISDA’s business meeting in 1961, the members voted to hold meetings semi-annually. In April 1962, the association had its first ‘solo’ meeting.

Early in the life of CCISDA, it became evident that the frequent exchange of information and the comparison of experiences between counties was very helpful. The semi-annual meetings assisted the orderly growth of automated systems in the varied counties.

The Association grew and rapidly included representation by all California combines, with the rare exception of some of the lesser-populated areas. All California counties are automatically CCISDA members. Conferences are attended by the CIO’s and their key assistants.

The Association held its first vendor trade show in conjunction with its Spring 1979 meeting. The Emeryville Holiday Inn did not have enough electrical power in its exhibit room to run the power-hungry computers of the time, so a motor-generator was leased and parked outside the hotel to power the exhibits. Vendor exhibits have been a major feature of all our conferences since that date.

Contact Us

California County Information Services Directors Association (CCISDA)
3620 American River Drive, Suite 230
 Sacramento, CA 95864
